IoT-TICKET for Energy
Monitor and maintain
more intelligently

The fastest route to data-driven operations

The energy industry is changing faster than ever. You need to have an up-to-date situation picture regardless of the shortening time spans and the ever more complex business environment – without forgetting customer expectations.

Distribution network companies

  1. Smart grids
  2. Predictive maintenance
  3. customer profiling

Electricity Production plants

  1. Condition monitoring
  2. Production predictions
  3. Production optimisation

Distributed production plants

  1. Production predictions
  2. Production optimisation

District heating companies

  1. Weather forecast based optimisation
  2. Condition monitoring

Electricity retailers

  1. Sales forecasting
  2. Customer profiling
  3. Risk management

Utility companies

  1. Distributed production
  2. Energy optimisation
  3. Energy charging monitoring
Benefits for energy industry

New digital services and business

Embrace the future with new digital solutions.

Situational awareness

Make informed decisions with a clear view of the big picture.

Consistent handling of diverse energy fields through digital twins

Streamline energy management with digital twins.

Cost savings and verification

Save costs and verify your decisions with data, not guesswork.

Reducing carbon footprint

Reduce your carbon footprint and verify your progress.

Power plant monitoring

Take control of your power plants with remote monitoring.

Reduce manual work

Automate manual work to save time and resources.

Be flexible and save money

Demand response helps you save money by being flexible with your energy usage.


The IoT-TICKET platform is really easy to use, so we have been able to quickly launch the Lämpöluotsi Valvomo service and can flexibly modify the system.

Our choice was also influenced by the fact that the solution is cloud-based, offers extensive integration possibilities and satisfies our high requirements on data security.”

Jani Kanninen
Product Manager at Lämpöluotsi Valvomo, Loimua.
UPM Energy

We are dealing with changing environment, which means that our solution must be able to adapt to different needs – we need to be able to add and adjust as we go along. This is why we chose the platform approach and decided to use Wapice IoT-TICKET® as the technical base of our solution.”

Jukka-Pekka Häkli
Project Lead, UPM Energy

We at Helen chose Wapice IoT-TICKET® platform because of its versatile design and ease of use in existing and new business areas. Wapice is a proven partner with high-quality references from industry players.”

Riku Kuikka
Product Group Manager, Helen

Our comparison showed that Wapice’s IoT-TICKET® platform is by far the most agile way for us to get started. The choice was also supported by cloud independence: IoT-TICKET® can be installed in any commercial cloud environment.

As a global business, we feel it is important that we can adapt to different customer requirements for cloud services when needed.”

Simo Kekkonen
Head of IoT, Danfoss
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Helen logo
UPM logo
Loimua logo
Danfoss logo
Tampere logo
Lahti Energia logo
Built with
Danfoss Drives
DrivePro® Remote Monitoring, Danfoss
Remote monitoring service

An extensive portfolio of lifecycle services used globally. DrivePro® Remote Monitoring connects frequency converters to 24/7 monitoring. The goal is to extend the lifecycle of frequency converters.

  1. Rapid response to faults through immediate alerts
  2. Cost savings in maintenance (remote troubleshooting)
  3. No unforeseen downtime and higher availability
  4. More information on the operation of equipment and processes
Loimua – Lämpöluotsi Valvomo
Remote monitoring service

Loimua has entered a new era and is constantly developing its digital business. The Lämpöluotsi service offers clear monitoring views, reports and development proposals – and, of course, optimal heating and cooling of the property.

  1. Improving customer service and supporting a customer-oriented strategy
  2. Longer life cycle of technical building equipment
  3. Easy construction and implementation of new services
  4. Extensive integration possibilities
UPM Energy Beyond Spot
UPM Energy BeyondSpot®
Energy management solution

UPM Energy wanted to create a future-proof energy management solution to enhance the possibilities of digitalization for energy-intensive businesses facing the transition in energy markets. The new service solution BeyondSpot® by UPM Energy was born.

  1. Lower energy costs
  2. New revenue from energy trading
  3. Accurate consumption forecasts
  4. Transparency to energy consumption
Helen valvomo
Distributed energy monitoring

Helen and Wapice have joined forces to build a remote monitoring and management solution. Helen monitors and controls the operation of its solar power plants and related equipment with IoT-TICKET.

  1. Remote monitoring of solar power plants across Finland
  2. Automatic forecasts of future solar electricity production
  3. Predictive repair of latent faults
  4. Comprehensive and high-quality service for the user
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Customer Success Stories

Free guide
12 common
IoT Project Pitfalls
  1. Identify potential pitfalls in advance
  2. Maximise success by doing things right the first time
  3. Learn how to build a solid foundation for your project
How to get started

Everyone is busy these days, and 60 minutes can feel like a lot. But we promise this: After our Executive Brief you will know:

  1. If IoT is the right path for your company
  2. Whether IoT-TICKET is the best option for your unique situation.
1 hour
1. Executive Brief
  1. Solution introduction
  2. Application examples
  3. Introduction of onboarding process
2 hours
2. Use Case / Service Assessment
  1. Use case description
  2. Technical requirements
  3. Subscription models
  4. Examples from industry
4-12 weeks
3. Onboarding Phase
  1. Personalized roadmap for your digital services development
  2. IoT application, utilizing your company data
  3. Knowledge about how to leverage IoT and AI in your business
12 weeks ->
4. Digital Business Launch & Scaling
  1. Launch your service to global markets
  2. Scale the usage trough new services or expand the current service
  3. Use the new features available
Meet our industry expert
Jyrki Keskinen
Director of energy business line
+358 10 277 5141

Jyrki has more than 25 years of experience in developing digital energy service solutions and related business. He has been involved in planning and implementing solutions from distributed production systems to end-user services. He is particularly keen in helping the customer in utilizing IoT and data analytics solutions as part of the customer’s new digital services.

Not seeing what
you are looking for?
Our IoT-TICKET® Platform offers almost limitless possibilities.

as an IoT Platform

You can choose a complete service and innovation platform
+ IoT & AI experts with you to build enterprise level solutions.

IoT-TICKET IoT Plarform
Not seeing what
you are looking for?
Our IoT-TICKET® Platform offers almost limitless possibilities.

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IoT-TICKET – App Request

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Want to learn how you can accelerate your business creating market ready apps and services stunningly fast with IoT-TICKET?

IoT-TICKET brought to you by:

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Founded in 1999, Wapice is a Finnish full-service software company whose solutions are used by domain leading industrial companies around the world. We offer close technology partnership and digital services to our customers.

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